Thursday, October 6, 2011

Top-Down Processing

This is a Typogram of a bicycle by Aaron Kuehn. Typograms are a form of visual communication that uses creative executions of typography to communicate a translate a message or meaning. In this case, in regards to top-down processing, from the first glance, it is clearly a bicycle. From then on you notice that the bike is composed of letters and the details start to show more. For example, at a second glance, I saw the letters. At the third glance, I saw that the words represented the part of the bike that the words are in place of. At fourth glance, I start to notice that with items such as the wheels of the bike, the font stays consistent with both wheels to indicate the thickness of tires and the spokes of the wheel. This is a great example of top-down processing because it is viewed from the big picture, but forces you to look further at the details of it and even then, you can still find new small details that the designer added to make this visually appealing and mentally stimulating.

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